Rick Morty This Idea Was Tested in a State of the Art Simulation

PM-icon-101.png This is a transcribed copy for the episode "M. Night Shaym-Aliens!." Feel free to edit or add together to this page as long as the information comes direct from the episode.


[Open Int. Rick's garage.]

(Rick is dissecting a rat.)

Rick: T-t-t-this is just sloppy craftsmanship.

Morty: Hey, Rick. Boy, sure is really peculiarly beautiful out there today, huh?

Rick: Oh, yes, Morty. It's virtually unbelievable, isn't it?

Morty: Aye, you lot know? There's something about the air. And simply the fashion the sunshine is.

Rick: Oh, sure, buddy. Yes. Sure. B-brilliant. Very convincing.

Morty: Wh… disarming?

Rick: Oh! Responsive, also! In existent fourth dimension! I dearest it!

Morty: Uhhokay.

Beth: *robotic* I'chiliad going to work. Morty, good morning. Dad, good morning. I am going to work. Good day. (Beth drives away.)

Morty: What's with Mom?

Rick: Oh, what's with Mom? So, you're proverb that she'due south acting weird? How soph—*burp*—isticated. Careful, guys. You're gonna fire out the CPU with this ane.

Morty: Okay, you know what, Rick? You're interim weird, too.

Rick: Whatever, quote-unquote "Morty."

Morty: Alright, well I'll see you after school. (Walks into the side of the garage.) Ow! Oof! Ugh! Damn information technology! I'm all right. I'chiliad okay.

[Trans. Morty's math grade]

Mr. Goldenfold: Alright, who can tell me what 5 x ix is? (Students whisper.) Morty?

Morty: Uh, me?

Mr. Goldenfold: What is 5 x 9?

Morty: Um, you know, it's, uh, at least twoscore.

(Students gasp.)

Mr. Goldenfold: Morty, that's exactly correct! v x ix is at to the lowest degree forty! Come up here.

(Students cheer.)

Jessica: Whoo! Way to become, Morty!

Mr. Goldenfold: Everybody, this is the best student. I want you to be the teacher today. *sits down at a desk* Teach united states of america, Morty!

Rick: *spying from outside* Interesting…

Morty: Westward-w-west-what do you want me to teach you?

Student: Ooh, ooh! How practice you brand concentrated dark matter?

Mr. Goldenfold: Oh, that's a adept question.

Morty: Concentrated huh?

Mr. Goldenfold: Concentrated dark thing. The fuel for accelerated space travel. At present, do you lot know how to go far?

Morty: Uhhh…

Jessica: Come on, Morty. Isn't your grandpa, like, a scientist?

Morty: Oh, aye, but, yous know, he told me that I shouldn't become effectually spouting off about, you know, his science and stuff.

Jessica: I bet you lot've seen him make concentrated dark affair a lot. Yous know, if you tell the states, I'll be your girlfriend.

Morty: Uh, y-you will?

Mr. Goldenfold: Seems similar a rare opportunity, Morty.

Rick: *kicks open the door* Morty, u-uh, come up on. At that place'due south a family emergency.

(Rick grabs Morty by one arm. Mr. Goldenfold grabs the other.)

Mr. Goldenfold: Cease right there! If he leaves, I'm giving him an F!

Rick: He doesn't care.

Morty: Aw, man! (Rick drags him to the locker room.) Rick, I take to become back! I remember I was near to go married! *falls down* Ugh!

Rick: Take a shower with me, Morty.

Morty: What?!

Rick: Mind to me, Morty. Go your clothes off and go far the shower right at present. *strips* Y-y-y-you got to trust me, Morty.

Morty: Ugh! I'm gonna get an F in class, Rick. *strips*

Rick: Morty, that'due south non form. T-t-t-that wasn't your instructor. This isn't your school. This entire world is not the earth. We're within a huge simulation sleeping room on an conflicting spaceship.

Morty: Expect a minute. W-what are you talking about?

Rick: It's all fake *burps* Morty, all of it. Nanobotic renderings, a bunch of… crazy, fake nonsense, Morty. I couldn't say so until we got in the shower. They won't monitor us in here.

Morty: Monitor us?! *looks around and tries to cover himself* W-who?!

Rick: Zigerion scammers, Morty. The galaxy's well-nigh ambitious, least successful con artists. You lot know, it'due south lucky for us they're likewise actually uncomfortable with nudity.

Morty: Aw, come up on, Rick. If everyone's but gonna be insane today, at least permit me be insane with Jessica.

Rick: I can't let you do that, Morty.

(Rick grabs Morty'southward clothes and they begin fighting over them.)

Morty: Give it to me!

Rick: No! Y'all give it to me!

Morty: G-thousand-requite information technology!

Rick: Morty, come up on! Morty!

Morty: No, Rick!

[View of simulated world expands out to reveal they're in an enormous spacecraft.]

[Trans. Zigerion control room]

(Zigerions groan and look away from the monitors with disgust.)

Zigerion ane: Oh, god, sir! They're still naked! Ugh.

Prince Nebulon: Well, bank check every 5 quintons and tell me when they're not!

Zigerion 1: I think we should brand Kevin expect, sir.

Kevin: What?! No! W-due west-why would you even say that?

Stu: Uh, sir, we have a situation over hither.

Prince Nebulon: If there's a wiener on that monitor, I swear to god, Stu.

Stu: Something is cartoon a lot of processing power. Oh, await. No wonder. (Jerry appears on a big screen.) There'south another real man in the simulator.

Jerry: Okay, Jerry, big pitch meeting. Brand-or-pause time. *trims nostril hairs while driving* You tin do this.

Prince Nebulon: How did this happen?! Where's the Abductions Department?

Zigerion 2: Hey, homo, Abductions just follows the acquisition club.

Zigerion 3: Don't put this on Acquisitions! Nosotros simply larn humans that oasis't been false!

Kevin: Well, Simulations doesn't simulate everyone that's been abducted, so—

Prince Nebulon: Oh, I see! Oh, oh! It was no ane's error. Oh, okay. I'm sorry. Well, then, trouble solved. Oh, await no. *shouts* There's notwithstanding another human in here! Who is he?

Stu: Rick's son-in-law, Jerry Smith. So far, he hasn't noticed he's in a simulation.

Prince Nebulon: *sighs* Well, cap his sector at 5% processing, keep his settings on auto, and nosotros'll deal with him later. Rick Sanchez is the target.

[Trans. Jerry's car]

Jerry: *inhales securely* Gotta relax. Information technology's just a pitch. Gotta relax.

(He turns on the radio.)

Radio: This is earth radio. And now, hither's…man music.

(Repetitive rhythmic beeping.)

Jerry: Hmm. Human music. I like it. *rocks caput side to side in rhythm with the music*

[Pan out to run into Jerry'due south sector of the simulation, followed past a transition to Rick and Morty's.]

(Rick and Morty pant as they run naked down the street. Rick shoves their clothes into a sewer.)

Morty: Rick!

Rick: Uhp, uhp, uhp! Morty, keep your easily off your ding-dong! It's the merely manner we can speak freely. Look around you, Morty. Practice you lot really call back this world is real? You'd take to be an idiot not to discover all the sloppy details. Look, that guy'south putting a bun between two hot dogs.

Morty: I don't know, Rick. I hateful, I've seen people practise that before.

Rick: Well, look at that former lady. She'due south, she's walking a cat on a leash.

Morty: Uh, Mrs. Spencer does that all the time, Rick.

Rick: Look, I-I-I don't wanna hear about Mrs. Spencer, Morty! She'southward an idiot! Alright, alright, at that place. West-what near that, Morty?

(A Poptart walks out of a toaster house and into a toaster car earlier driving away.)

Morty: Okay, okay, you got me on that ane.

Rick: Oh, really, Morty? Are y'all sure you haven't seen that somewhere in real life before?

Morty: No, no. I haven't seen that. I mean, why would a Poptart wanna live inside a toaster, Rick? I hateful, that would be, like, the scariest place for them to live. You know what I hateful?

Rick: Yous're missing the bespeak, Morty. Why would he drive a smaller toaster with wheels? I hateful, does your car look like a smaller version of your house? No.

Morty: So, why are they doing this? W-what practise they want?

Rick: Well, that would be obvious to you lot, Morty, if you'd been paying attention.

(Siren wails. Ambulance drives up to them and the doors open up.)

Paramedic: We got the president of the United states in here! We need 10cc of concentrated dark matter, stat, or he'll dice!

(Rick slams the ambulance doors shut and starts walking off.)

Morty: Full-bodied dark thing! They were asking about that in course.

Rick: Yeah, information technology'southward a special fuel I invented to travel through space faster than anybody else. These Zigerions are e'er trying to scam me out of my secrets, but they made a big mistake this time, Morty. They dragged you into this. Now they're gonna pay!

Morty: Expect, wha, w-w-what are we gonna do?

Rick: We'll scam the scammers, Morty. And we're gonna take them for everything they've got.

[Trans. Ext. Advertizement agency]

(Trees flicker with a static noise)

Jerry: National Apple tree Farmers of America…

[Trans. Int. Ad bureau]

Jerry: Welcome to our advertizement agency. I'm Jerry Smith. (Audience stares blankly.) Alright. I'll merely get to the pitch. Um, simple question, gentlemen, *hoarsely* what are apples? *clears throat* Excuse me. *drinks some water* Ahh. *coughs, clears pharynx* What are apples? *pulls poster board to the front of the room* Apples are food. And when exercise we need food? When we're hungry. (Audition stares blankly.) With that, I give yous your new slogan! (Flips paper to reveal sign saying "Hungry for Apples?" Audience continues staring.) Well, say something! Do you like it?

Mr. Marklevitz: Yeah.

Jerry: You practice?

All: Yes.

Jerry: So I sold information technology? I sold the thought?

All: Aye.

Jerry: Oh my god! Give thanks you!

All: *shaking each others' easily* Thank you. You're welcome.

[Trans. Ext. Ad agency]

("Baker Street" plays as Jerry slides downward a handrail.)

Jerry: Hey! I just sold my starting time pitch!

Old human being: Ho-hum down!

Woman: Lookin' good.

Mailman: My man!

(Jerry dials on his cellphone. Equally he walks, he passes the aforementioned three people repeatedly.)

Simulation Beth: (at Simulation Smith business firm) *answers telephone* Hello.

Jerry: Approximate who just sold the apples campaign.

Simulation Beth: Who just sold the apples campaign?

Jerry: Me! I guess it wasn't a rip-off of "got milk?" afterward all. Guess someone was wrong.

Simulation Beth: Yep.

Jerry: Well, all is forgiven, because right now, I've got an erection the size of an Due east Coast lighthouse, and I'1000 coming home to share it with my beautiful wife.

Simulation Beth: Okay.

Jerry: Wait, really?

Simulation Beth: Yes.

Jerry: Yes! See you in 10 minutes! *hangs up, shouts* Hey! I'm going to make love to my wife!

Woman: Lookin' expert.

One-time man: Slow downward!

Mailman: My human! *glitches into a tree*

[Trans. Backstage]

(Rick is decked out in chains and adjusts his apparel to look more disheveled.)

Morty: Aw, geez, Rick. I-I don't know if I like this program,you know? I mean, crowds, t-t-t-they take a tendency to make me really nervous.

Rick: Morty, relax. It's just a bunch of 1s and 0s out there. You're gonna be fine. (Lowers Morty's pants slightly and puts a lid on him.) Just follow my atomic number 82. (Rick and Morty fist bump.) Yo, disk, drop that beat.

[Trans. Stage in park]

(Hip-hop beat plays. Crowd cheers.)

Rick: Uh-oh, Morty. This crowd looks too minor for one of our famous rap concerts. I don't think we can perform our new song, "The Recipe for Concentrated Nighttime Matter," for a oversupply this tiny.

Morty: You got that right, Rick.

(Hordes of people appear from all directions and congregate in the park.)

Rick: Now that's more like information technology! Morty, hither we go. Let me hear everybody say "hey-oh!" aye! (Crowd thank you.) All the ladies say, "yes!" (Ladies cheer.) Everybody over 30, do this with your hands! Everybody with a scarlet shirt, jump up and downward! (People kickoff glitching.)

[Trans. Smith house]

Jerry: *kisses Beth, who is all the same in front of the phone* Mm. Mm. Mm. Yeah, don't move. Mm, mm, mm, mm! Mm!

[Trans. Park]

Rick: Yo, anybody whose first name begins with an "Fifty" who isn't Hispanic, walk in a circle the same number of times as the square root of your historic period times ten! (Simulation freezes. Rick and Morty spring offstage.) Run, Morty! Before the arrangement reboots!

[Trans. Ext. Smith house.]

Jerry: Yep! You like that? Now who's unremarkable? You lot hungry for apples? Are you hungry for apples?!

[Trans. Beth and Jerry's sleeping room.]

(Jerry lies in bed abreast Beth, who is frozen in place.)

Jerry: Oh, my god. That's the best sex I've ever had in my life. It's… it's too good. I don't deserve this, Beth. I'm a fraud.

[Trans. Rick and Morty running through frozen simulation.]

Morty: Oh, human being, Rick! W-westward-w-where nosotros running to?

Rick: Out of the simulation, Morty. Ordinarily, the sleeping room operates like a treadmill, with the virtual world disappearing behind u.s.a. and being rendered in front end of u.s. as we move through it, but while it'southward frozen, Morty, we can become to…the edge. Here nosotros go. *jumps off the edge*

Morty: Holy crap!

Rick: Come on, Morty.

Morty: *jumps off edge*

[Trans. Control room]

Zigerion: Sir, they're over the edge.

Prince Nebulon: Yes, they are. Just equally planned. *evil laughter, others join in* Oh, this is going to be such a mindfuck!

[Trans. Corridor in spacecraft]

Rick: Continue your eyes peeled for the central processing room, Morty. That'south how we're gonna scam these idiots.

Morty: So, hey, why practise these aliens keep coming after you lot, Rick, if yous're so much smarter than them?

Rick: It's an obsession for them at this point. The Zigerions accept been trying to outsmart me for years, Morty. Every time they do, I'grand ane pace ahead of them. *finds cardinal processing room* Aha! Here we go. *starts collecting chips* Grab equally many processors as you lot can conduct, Morty. These guys aren't practiced at much, but they're really good at making these chips.

Morty: I've got and so many, I tin barely hold them all! *holding chips in his shirt* Await at, await at this. Oops. I dropped one.

Rick: Don't worry about it, Morty. There'south enough of them, you petty goofball. (Both laugh and toss chips at each other playfully.) Come here, Morty! Oh, I gotcha!

Morty: Come on, quit information technology, Rick! Quit it!

Rick: Zippo incorrect with just a piffling bit of horseplay every at present then, little fella.

(They sneak towards the escape pods. Rick throws a scrap and distracts the guards while they steal a pod and wing away.)

Morty: Wow. What practise yous know? Huh. That was easy.

Rick: Totes malotes, dawg.

Morty: Merely kind of difficult to believe, you know?

Rick: Believe it, Morty. And again, I'g flying away with everything I can acquit, and the Zigerions got naught of mine.

[Trans. Jerry's boss'south office]

Jerry: Mr. Marklevitz, do yous have a minute to talk?

Mr. Marklevitz: *snaps fingers* Yes.

Jerry: Look, I'm a fraud. I mean, let's face it. "Hungry for apples" is merely a rip-off of "Got milk?" Information technology's well-nigh identical.

Mr. Marklevitz: *snaps fingers* Yes.

Jerry: Okay. I deserve that. Um, I guess I'll merely pack upwards my desk.

Mr. Marklevitz: *snaps fingers* Yes.

Jerry: *crying* Oh my god. Wait. You know what?! No! The milk people don't have a patent on simple rhetorical questions! Y-Y'all— There'southward non even a single discussion in "Hungry for Apples" that's shared past "Got milk?" It'southward a completely different slogan. It's dissimilar! And I shouldn't be fired. I should be promoted!

Mr. Marklevitz: *snaps fingers* Aye.

Jerry: Yeah! Look. Really?

Mr. Marklevitz: *snaps fingers* Yes.

Jerry: Yeah! I mean, information technology may be derivative, but it'due south the most successful campaign to come out of this agency in a long time.

Mr. Marklevitz: *snaps fingers* Yes.

Jerry: I-I'one thousand non maxim it should win an award for commercials, but it could certainly be nominated for an award for commercials specifically near apples, similar an Appley or something.

Mr. Marklevitz: *snaps fingers* Yep.

Jerry: Is in that location really an laurels called the Appley for apple-related advertising campaigns?

Mr. Marklevitz: *snaps fingers* Yes.

Jerry: Could we nominate me?

Mr. Marklevitz: *snaps fingers* Yes.

Jerry: Holy crap!

(Jerry runs out. Mr. Marklevitz glitches.)

[Trans. Ext. Smith house]

(Rick and Morty get out of the escape pod and head into the garage with the chips.)

Rick: Get in, Morty. I'k gonna be able to use these processors to make some real of import science stuff. (Keypad beeps.) Huh. I thought I entered the code right. (Keypad beeps.)

(Second level simulation vanishes.)

Prince Nebulon: Well, what'due south this? Westward-what could this possibly exist? Because information technology looks like you're inside a simulation…inside a simulation. Y'all're still on the ship. Game-day saucepan go boom!

Cynthia: Sir, the, uh, doctor's appointment to examine the discoloration on your butthole flaps was—

Prince Nebulon: Too loud, Cynthia. Too loud and too specific.

Rick: Uhh…

Prince Nebulon: We've known how to make full-bodied dark matter for a long time. Just at present we also know the code to your fabled prophylactic, Rick Sanchez! All your most valuable secrets volition now exist ours!

Rick: Uh, aye, until I get domicile before yous and modify the combination, you bunch of idiots!

Prince Nebulon: That is why you're never getting home. Get them!

(Guards try to grab Rick and Morty. Rick pulls downward Morty'due south pants and all the Zigerions back away in disgust.)


(Morty pulls upward his pants. They run through the spacecraft and are chased by Zigerions.)

Morty: Oh my god!

[Trans. Appley Awards]

Jerry: I got to tell y'all, this morning time, I didn't even know this laurels existed. Now I'yard property one. And, um… Look, I want to say that today was the best day of my life But the truth is, it's, information technology'south more meaningful than that.

Mailman: My homo!

Jerry: Yes. Cheers, sir. I am finally complete!

(Everyone glitches into the mailman.)

Mailmen: My my my my man!

(Simulation continues glitching badly.)

Jerry: Aah! What the hell?! (Appley laurels glitches out of beingness.) No.

(Rick and Morty run into the room.)

Rick: Jerry?!

Morty: Dad!

Rick: What are y'all doing hither? W-why are you dressed like a waiter? Spiral it. Nosotros don't have time. Come on. *starts dragging Jerry with them*

Jerry: *sobbing* No!

(Chase continues. The three make it onto a spaceship.)

Rick: Man upward, Jerry! I may need you to piece of work the lasers.

Morty: Oh, man! They're hot on our tail, Rick!

Rick: I guess they really do have concentrated night affair.

Morty: Well, you know how to arrive, too, right, Rick?

Rick: Yep. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Uh, cheque the engine room. We just need cesium, Plutonic quarks, and bottled h2o.

Morty: Whoa! It's all here, Rick!

Rick: Wow, Morty. Lucky intermission. Grab that bucket. Okay, two parts Plutonic quarks, one part cesium.

Morty: Okay. Uh-huh. Alright.

Rick: At present empty the water canteen into the bucket and pour information technology all into the fuel tank and so we tin go the hell out of here! What are you doing, Morty?! There's no time!

Morty: *freezes up*

Rick: Oh, no.

(Simulation breaks downward...over again.)

Jerry: What the…?

Rick: No!

Prince Nebulon: *laughing* Oh my god, Rick. How dumb are you? You're inside a simulation of a simulation…inside another behemothic simulation! *laughs harder* Westward-we never had the recipe for concentrated dark matter. But we do at present! We practice at present, sucka!

Rick: You lot simulated my grandson's genitalia?! Y-y-you agglomeration of diabolical sons of bitches!

Zigerion one: Kevin fought real hard to supervise that projection.

Kevin: You said you weren't gonna tell anyone! I'one thousand never gonna live this downwards, am I?

Rick: All correct. Okay. All right, dandy. Wonderful. You win. Tin can nosotros become abode now?

Zigerion 1: I don't know. Tin you lot?

Prince Nebulon: Ha! *fist bumps* Nice. Okay, okay. Prove this gullible turd to his shuttle. I'm washed with him. Oh, wait. Let me go a picture. *snaps a selfie of himself with Rick* Aww. Look at his confront. He's trying to effigy out if He'due south in a simulation still. Are you lot, Rick? Are you? *laughs, walks away* You're not. *walks back* Or are y'all? (Rick and Jerry leave.) *shouts after them* Oh, a-and, by the way, I don't have discolored butthole flaps. That was office of the simulation.

Cynthia: Oh. Uh, sir, should I cancel that date, then?

Prince Nebulon: *loudly* Yeah! Of grade yous should! *to Cynthia* No, keep it. Move it up, really, if you lot can.

[Trans. Shuttle to World]

Rick: Hey, Jerry, don't worry about information technology. And so what if the most meaningful 24-hour interval of your life was a simulation operating at minimum capacity?

Jerry: Yous know what, Rick? Those guys took y'all for a ride, too. You should attempt having a little respect for the dummies of the universe, now that you're i of u.s..

Rick: Maybe you lot're right, Jerry. Maybe you're right.

[Trans. Zigerion space arts and crafts, control room]

(The Zigerions are jubilant their victory with a political party.)

Prince Nebulon: All right, everybody. Ii parts Plutonic quarks… I office cesium…. A-and mind, I'yard sad for shouting earlier. I-I couldn't enquire for a better staff. I beloved you guys, and I love all your families. *readies water bottle* And the final ingredient…

(Zigerion spacecraft explodes.)

[Trans. Shuttle to Earth]

(Jerry looks behind them, shocked.)

Jerry: Whoa! What the hell?! W-what happened back there?

Rick: Why don't you lot ask the smartest people in the universe, Jerry? Oh, aye. Y'all tin can't. They blew up.

("Baker Street" plays. Rick vocalizes the saxophone part.)

[Trans. Int. Advertisement agency]

(Jerry pitches "Hungry for Apples" in reality.)

Jerry: Then… What do you think?

Mr. Marklevitz: Y'all're fired.

Jerry: Wha--? Simply t-this thought was tested in a country-of-the-art simulation.

Mr. Marklevitz: Well, then, it was a terrible simulation. Become out.

(Jerry hangs his head and leaves.)

Mr. Marklevitz: Human, how does a guy like that become habitation and take sex with his wife?

[Trans. Morty's chamber]

Rick: Hey, Morty.

Morty: What?

Rick: Hey, little buddy. H-h-how you doing in here right now?

Morty: Aw, geez, Rick. What are y'all doing, man?

Rick: Y-y-y'all're a skillful child, Morty. Y-y'all're a real l-little c-character, Morty.

Morty: Oh, boy.

Rick: Yous know, I had a actually rocky road today, Grand-Morty. You're my little friend, aren't yous? We had some good times together, huh, 1000-Morty? Nosotros Y'all're a real truthful hero out in the field. You're a... You're a real trouper, huh, M-M-Morty?

Morty: Have you been drinking, Rick?

Rick: I really appreciate you, Morty.

Morty: O-okay, absurd. A-alright, Rick

Rick: *of a sudden ambitious, holds a knife to Morty'due south pharynx* Yous little son of a bowwow! Y-y- are y'all a simulation?! Huh?! Are you lot a simulation?!

Morty: No! No! No!

Rick: You little son of a bitch!

Morty: *terrified, gasps*

(Rick lowers the knife)

Rick: I-I-I'one thousand sorry, Morty. Y-you're a skillful… You're a proficient kid, Morty.

Morty: Geez!

Rick: Y-yous're a skillful… You're a adept kid. *passes out*

Morty: Oh my god!

Rick: *snores*

Morty: W-w-what the hell? What a life.

[Finish of 1000. Nighttime Shaym-Aliens!]

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Source: https://rickandmorty.fandom.com/wiki/M._Night_Shaym-Aliens!/Transcript

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